Functional Testing
This page contains papers about the Classification Tree Method (CTM) and the Classification Tree Editor (CTE XL), as well as other approaches to functional testing. The classification-tree method is a testing method for the systematic design of test cases based on the specification, which has also been included in the ISO 29119 test standard. A classification-tree editor is a graphical editor that supports the application of the classification-tree method. The classification-tree method is widely used in industrial practice. The first publications on CTM and CTE date back to 1993 by Klaus Grimm, Matthias Grochtmann and Joachim Wegener. Later enhancements were published by Eckard Lehmann, Peter Kruse, Joachim Wegener and others.
Reference | Source |
Indrasen, R.; Burton, S.; Boumans, M.; Huber, T. and Reiter, A. Credibility of software-in-the-loop environments for integrated vehicle function validation. In 20th Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium: Automobil-und Motorentechnik, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2020, pp. 299-313. | Fachmedien |
Thomas, C.;, Wegener, J.; Bauernöppel, F.; Baar, T.; Brandtstädter, H.: CeCar: A platform for Research, Development and Education on Autonomous and Cooperative Driving. 10th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2020), January 2020, Toulouse, France. | ERTS_2020 |
Vos, T.; Kruse, P.M.; Condori-Fernandez, N.; Bauersfeld, S.; Wegener, J.: TESTAR: Tool Support for Test Automation at the User Interface Level. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design, vol. 6, no. 3, July 2015, pp. 46-83. | Journal of Information System Modeling and Design |
Ferrer, J.; Kruse, P.M.; Chicano, F.; Alba, E.: Generacion de Secuencias de Pruebas Funcionales con Algoritmos Bio-inspirados. Proceedings of the X Congreso Espanol de Metaheuristicas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB 2015), Mérida-Almendralejo, Spain, February 2015. | MAEB_2015 |
Ferrer, J.; Kruse, P.M.; Chicano, F.; Alba, E.: Search Based Algorithms for Test Sequence Generation in Functional Testing. Information and Software Technology, Vol. 58, February 2015, pp. 419-432. | Information and Software Technology Journal |
Kruse, P. M.; Nasarek, J.; Condori-Fernández, N.: Systematic Testing of Web Applications with the Classification Tree Method. Proceedings of the 17th Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE 2014), Bahia Blanca, Argentina, October 2014, pp. 219-232. | CIbSE_2014 |
Condori-Fernandez, N.; Kruse, P.M.; Vos, T.; Brosse, E.; Bagnato, A.: Combinatorial Testing in an Industrial Environment – Analyzing the Applicability of a Tool. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2014), Guimaraes, Portugal, September 2014, pp. 210-215. | QUATIC_2014 |
Zeppetzauer, U.; Kruse, P.M.: Automating Test Case Design within the Classification Tree Editor. Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2014), Warsaw, Poland, September 2014, pp. 1585-1590. | FedCSIS_2014 |
Kruse, P.M.; Reiner, A.: Systematic Design and Automated Execution of Embedded System Tests. Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2014), Toulouse, France, February 2014. | ERST_2014 |
Kruse, P.M.; Prasetya, I.; Hage, J.; Elyasov, A.: Logging to Facilitate Combinatorial System Testing. In: Vos, T.; Lakhotia, K.; Bauersfeld, S. (eds) Future Internet Testing. FITTEST 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8432. Springer, Cham., 2013, pp. 48-58. | FITTEST_2013 |
Kruse, P. M.; Nasarek, J.: Test graphischer Benutzeroberflächen mit der Klassifikationsbaum-Methode am Beispiel von Webanwendungen. Softwaretechnik-Trends vol. 33, no. 4, 2013, pp. 11-14. | Paper: SWTT_2013, Presentation: SWTT_2013_presentation |
Vos, T.; Condori-Fernandez, N.; Kruse, P.M.; Bagnato, A.; Brosse, E.: Combinatorial Testing Tool Learnability in an Industrial Environment. 7th ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2013), Baltimore, MD, USA, October 2013. | ESEM_2013 |
Puoskari, E.; Vos, T.; Condori-Fernandez, N.; Kruse, P.M.: Evaluating applicability of combinatorial testing in an industrial environment: a case study. Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Joining AcadeMiA and Industry Contributions to Testing Automation (JAMAICA 2013), Lugano, Switzerland, July 2013, pp. 7-12. | JAMAICA_2013 |
Kruse, P.M.; Wegener, J.: Test Sequence Generation from Classification Trees. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2012), Montreal, QC, Canada, April 2012. | ICST_2012 |
Kruse, P.M.; Schieferdecker I.: Comparison of Approaches to Prioritized Test Generation for Combinatorial Interaction Testing. Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FEDCSIS 2012), Wrocław, Poland, September 2012, pp. 1323-1330. | FEDCSIS_2012 |
Ferrer, J.; Kruse, P.M.; Chicano, J.F.; Alba, E.: Evolutionary Algorithm for Prioritized Pairwise Test Data Generation. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2012), Philadelphia, USA, July 2012, pp. 1213-1220. | GECCO_2012 |
Kruse, P.M.; Wegener, J.: Test Sequence Generation from Classification Trees. IEEE 5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Montreal, QC, Canada, April 2012, pp. 539-548. | ICST_2012 |
Kruse, P.M.; Bauer, J.; Wegener, J.: Numerical Constraints for Combinatorial Interaction Testing. IEEE 5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Montreal, QC, Canada, April 2012, pp. 758-763. | ICST_2012 |
Kruse, P.M.: Test Sequence Generation from Classification Trees using Multi-agent Systems. 9th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2011), Maastricht, Netherlands, November 2011. | EUMAS_2011 |
Kruse, P.M.; Lakhotia, K.: Multi Objective Algorithms for Automated Generation of Combinatorial Test Cases with the Classification Tree Method. Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE 2011), Szeged, Hungary, September 2011. | SSBSE_2011 |
Kruse, P.M.; Wegener, J.: Test Sequence Generation from Classification Trees. 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2011), Chaves, Portugal, June 2011, pp. 1-4. | CISTI_2011 |
Wegener, J.; Beierle, N.; Kruse, P.M.; Robinson-Mallett, C.: Tracing of Requirements and Test Cases. ICST Workshop on Requirements and Validation, Verification & Testing (ReVVerT 2011), Berlin, Germany, March 2011. | REVVERT_2011 |
Kruse, P.M.; Wegener J.: Sequenzgenerierung aus Klassifikationsbäumen. Talk at the 31st meeting of the special interest group on test, analysis and verification of software of the german computer society, Paderborn, Germany, February 2011. | Paper: TAV_31, Presentation: TAV_31_presentation |
Kruse, P. M.; Luniak, M.: Automated Test Case Generation Using Classification Trees. Talk at the 17th STAREAST Testing Conference (STAREAST 2010), Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2010. | STAREAST_2010_presentation |
Robinson-Mallett, C.; Grochtmann, M.; Wegener, J.; Köhnlein, J.; Kühn, S.: Modelling Requirements to Support Testing of Product Lines. 3rd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation Workshops (ICSTW 2010), Paris, France, April 2010, pp. 11-18. | ICST_2010 |
Conrad, M.; Krupp, A.: An Extension of the Classification-Tree Method for Embedded Systems for the Description of Events. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 164, no. 4, October 2006, pp. 3-11. | Theoretical Computer Science |
Tull, N.: Applications of Specification-Based testing in Flight Software Development for Hubble Space Telescope Mission Operations, Report University of Maryland, Systems Engineering, Validation and Verification, December 2005. | ENSE 623 |
Burton, S.; Baresel, A. and Schieferdecker, I.: Automated testing of automotive telematics systems using TTCN-3. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on System Testing and Validation (SV’04), Paris, France, 2004. | SV_2004 |
Lützkendorf, S.; Bothe, K.: Attributierte Klassifikationsbäume zur Testdatenbestimmung. Talk at the 19th meeting of the special interest group on test, analysis and verification of software of the german computer society, Cologne, Germany, February 2003. | TAV_2003 |
Burton, S.; Clark, J. and McDermid, J.: Automatic generation of tests from Statechart specifications. Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software (FATES’01), Aalborg, Denmark, August 2001, pp. 31-46. | BRICS-NS-01-4 |
Wegener, J.; Krämer, A.; Lehmann, E.: Automatische Testfallgenerierung mit dem CTE XL. Talk at the 16th meeting of the special interest group on test, analysis and verification of software of the german computer society, Elmshorn, Germany, February 2001. | TAV_2001 |
Lehmann, E.; Wegener, J.: Test Case Design by Means of the CTE XL. Proceedings of the 8th European International Conference on Software Testing, Analysis & Review (EuroSTAR 2000), Kopenhagen, Denmark, December 2000. | EUROSTAR 2000 |
Burton, S. and Heslington, Y.: Automated testing from Z specifications. Report – University of York, Department of Computer Science 2000. | Report-YCS |
Burton, S.; Clark, J.; McDermid, J. and Heslington, Y.: Testing, proof and automation. An integrated approach. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Automated Program Analysis, Testing and Verification, Limerick, Ireland, June 2000. | ICSE_2000 |
Burton, S.; Clark, J.; Galloway, A.; McDermid, J. and Heslington, Y.: Automated V&V for high integrity systems, a targeted formal methods approach. Lfm2000: Methods 2000. | LFM_2000 |
Burton, S.: Towards automated unit testing of statechart implementations. Report – University of York, Department of Computer Science 1999. | Report-YCS |
Wegener, J.; Fey, I.: Systematic Unit-Testing of Ada Programs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe 1997), London, UK, 1997, pp. 64-75. | AdaEurope_1997 |
Grochtmann, M.; Wegener, J.: Test Case Design Using Classification Trees and the Classification-Tree Editor CTE. Proceedings of the 8th International Software Quality Week, San Francisco, USA, May 1995. | QW 1995 |
Grochtmann, M.: Test Case Design using Classification Trees. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Testing Analysis & Review (STAR 1994), Washington D.C., USA, May 1994. | STAR 1994 |
Wegener, J.; Grochtmann, M.: Werkzeugunterstützte Testfallermittlung für den funktionalen Test mit dem Klassifikationsbaum-Editor CTE. Proceedings der GI-Fachtagung Softwaretechnik ’93, Dortmund, Germany, November 1993, pp. 95-102. | SWT 1993 |
Grochtmann, M.; Grimm, K.; Wegener, J.: Tool-Supported Test Case Design for Black-Box Testing by Means of the Classification-Tree Editor. Proceedings of the 1st European International Conference on Software Testing Analysis & Review (EuroSTAR 1993), London, Great Britain, October 1993, pp. 169-176. | EUROSTAR 1993 |
Grochtmann, M.; Grimm, K.: Classification Trees for Partition Testing. Software Testing, Verification & Reliability, vol. 3, no. 2, 1993, pp. 63-82. | Journal on Software Testing, Verification and Reliability |

Dissertations, Diploma and Master Theses
related to Functional Testing
Reference | Source |
Kruse, P.M.: Enhanced Test Case Generation with the Classification Tree Method. PhD Thesis Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, November 2014. | PhD Thesis |
Christian Gebhardt: Durchgängiges Variantenmanagement von der Anforderungsspezifikation bis zum Test auf Basis von MERAN und CTE XL Professional. Diploma Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, November 2011. | Diploma Thesis |
Nick Walther: Generierung von Testsequenzen für die Klassifikationsbaum-Methode. Diploma Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, October 2011. | |
Robert Olejniczak: Systematisierung des funktionalen Tests eingebetteter Software. PhD Thesis Technical University Munich, 2008. | PhD Thesis |
Burton, S. : Automated generation of high integrity test suites from graphical specifications. PhD Thesis University of York, Department of Computer Science, 2002. | PhD Thesis |
Stefan Lützkendorf: Softwaretest in Reverse Engineering-Prozessen. Diploma Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, December 2001. | Diploma Thesis |
Nicolas Nardelli: Entwicklung eines Testkonzepts für parametrisierbare Simulationsmodelle mechanischer, hydraulischer und regelungstechnische Systeme. Diploma Thesis, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2000. | Diploma Thesis |

Tools Supporting the Classification-Tree Method
- CTE – Classification Tree Editor
- TESTONA (former CTE XL)
- vTESTstudio