This website curates a collection of publications primarily derived from the software testing and quality assurance work conducted by the Software Technology Research Laboratory at DaimlerChrysler AG and Berner&Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH. Additionally, it includes works generated within this context or related fields. Many of these publications are directly linked to their reference sources or are accessible as downloadable PDF files.
Evolutionary Testing
This section features research papers on evolutionary testing/search-based testing, which involves applying evolutionary algorithms or other search techniques to automate test case design for various types of test methods, such as functional testing, structural testing, and temporal behavior testing. The process of test case design is treated as an optimization problem, aiming to identify errors or improve test coverage automatically.
This section provides a concise summary of papers focused on the classification-tree method and the classification-tree editor used for functional testing/ specification-based testing. The classification-tree method has been incorporated into the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-4 standard.
Functional Testing
Model-based Testing
This page contains articles on model-based testing and model-based testing tools like TPT or MTest.
This website compiles several publications that have contributed to the development of the TESSY test system. TESSY is utilized for automating software unit and integration tests.
Software Unit Test Automation
Further Resources
In this section, you’ll find additional links related to software quality assurance and testing topics.